What to wear for School Photos? What to wear for your upcoming school picture day?
Spring and fall months are typically when school photos take place. What should your child wear for their upcoming school portraits? Your local school photographer is here are 3 rules of thumb for a timeless school portrait look.
You want to avoid any large logos or obnoxious graphics that your child might not be into in a year or two. Keep things simple with small patterns, or prints. This may be difficult if your child is set on wearing their favourite Paw Patrol Pyjamas. Give them a few safe options to choose from, and try to involved them in their outfit selection process too! Below are some great examples of simple patterns and small prints. Photo day with Annie is always a blast, we never force smiles and we always try to get genuine smiles with silly games.
Bright colours like red, yellow, or neon tones tend to cast colour on the faces, so avoid these bright tones. Opt for neutral colour shirts, earth tones, or jewel tone that are more subtle. Another tip that I want to provide is wearing a colour that contrast with your child’s skin tone. If your child complexion is fair, try for a darker tops, and if your child is darker complexion, a lighter top would be ideal. The contrasting shirt helps your child’s face stand out, this tip works wonders for black & white images. Photo day is a great opportunity to wear those timeless outfits.
Feel free to add a bow or a nice sweater to give it a little personality. Be sure not to send your kids to school with a hat as this may mess up their hair. Photo day should also embody your child’s personality a bit! If they have a special necklace or hair accessory that they absolutely cannot live without, by all means bring it. Be weary of any accessories that are too large that may be distracting.
I hope this helps you decide what to wear for school photos the next time school picture day comes around. What children wear for school photos isn’t the most important, but it will definitely help elevate your school photos.
If your preschool or daycare is interested in offering preschool portraits in the Spring or Fall, contact me and we can chat more about my process! Connect with me on my instagram and ask me any questions about school photo day!
Annie is a school photographer, working primarily with preschools and daycares.
Vancouver school photography for schools within the lower mainland, Greater Vancouver area! Servicing Surrey, Vancouver, Delta, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Langley, Richmond.
Want to offer these school portraits at your school? Read more about my process and see my work here!